Focus is on what we do says Coach Finch

For Chris Finch, this past week has been a real return to his old stomping ground. Trips to Sheffield and now arriving back in Manchester, the setting of past success with Sheffield Sharks in the BBL; he is preparing for the biggest game of his coaching career so far.

Manchester Arena will be the venue of the most highly anticipated game of basketball ever to have been staged in Britain as GB take on the might of the United States of America.

That may be until the Olympic Games have arrived, or it may not be; but in terms of the history of British basketball, the game on Thursday night will be one that will rightly live long in everyone’s memory and may not happen again for a very long time (unless of course events transpire that the two sides meet up in the knockout stages in London).

With the fact of USA arriving in the country, and considering their dominance within the sport; it is difficult to see a victory in the way of Great Britain. That’s even with me currently waving Union Flags and a matching bowler hat on my head.

So is this an exhibition game? Or does coach Finch see this as a just another warm-up?

“We are literally treating it like every other warm-up game in that we’re focusing on us. 99% of the things that we’re trying to do; it’s about us, it’s about getting our systems down, about our cohesion, our chemistry, our rhythm. Of course we’re not stupid enough to know that we’re playing the world’s best side, and we understand what playing against a team like that means, but we’re going to go out there and compete, and we’re going to be ready for whatever they’ve got to give.”

Not full on fighting talk, but definitely an opinion of not wanting to let the Americans into the country expecting them to just have a jolly holiday in good old Blighty. Let them try though considering the wonderful weather we’re experiencing right now in Manchester.

The hardest part in preparing for this game will be the ability to overcome the notion that the British guys on court will be facing the reigning Olympic and World champions; a squad full of million-dollar superstars that when you say just their names, even the common man in the street has half an idea who they are, let alone the GB players who will grace the court.

“Let’s just hope they’re not still young enough to have posters of Kobe Bryant, and let’s hope after Thursday there’s not new posters of them and Kobe Bryant!”

says Finch jokingly, however a performance of monumental proportions in the world of basketball can do things like that. Jeremy Lin?

Is there a mental obstacle for his team to get over though? “I think there is, but I’m not worried about it because I think the opportunity is unique. We’re case hardening ourselves, we have some guys that are going to be a little in awe, and they should be, but after ninety seconds they should go out and play.”

“One advantage in seeing these guys every day in my day job is that they make mistakes; they don’t always play great basketball. I think our guys will recognise that soon, and sometimes the talent level is not as big as you think, that’s taking nothing away from them or saying we’re anything special, but I’m just saying that these guys will realise its a five on five game, an imperfect game, and it’s our job to make as least mistakes as we can.”

Mistakes. That word probably is not one to contemplate against USA. With all the preparation in the world, mistakes can happen, but with recent close results against the likes of France and Spain; by playing reputedly the best team in the world, is it the real litmus test for where Great Britain stand in the wider scheme of things?

“I don’t know about that. The litmus test is everything we do between now and the Russia game; I don’t think I point to any one game as a litmus test, certainly not this game.”

The well held belief though is that the game this Thursday could just end up like a London Games Lane for GB right now; one way and two hours of going nowhere fast. But can Chris Finch REALLY do the unthinkable?

“Of course I think we can win! It’s my job – I get paid to think that!”