BBL Diaries

In a new series called ‘BBL Diaries’, has given one BBL player an opportunity to keep a diary throughout the season. The 2012/13 BBL Diary will be kept up-to-date by Manchester Giant guard, Devan Bailey.

In the first entry of the regular feature, Devan talks about his off-season of uncertainty and what it’s like to move teams:

“When you’re out of contract, the off-season can be pretty dull. Unless you’re doing National team stuff or trying out, with me I just work out during the day and lounge around. You are waiting to hear back from agents and even though there isn’t anything you can do, I know people find it stressful and you find yourself waiting for that email or phone call.

I travelled a little this summer to an exposure camp and to Athens at the 3×3 tournament which was a lot of fun and was good to play some competitive basketball because you start to miss playing after season.

I don’t mind moving teams as its pretty spaced out; its not like you’re on a constant move. It’s nice to see new places and stay in different cities, you leave behind memories in one place and get to create some news ones elsewhere.

I’m happy to be in Manchester as I’ve got good friends and family here so it will be nice to be around them for at least a year. Saying that though, I loved Liverpool because its a great city, always something going on and the people know how to enjoy themselves out there. Right now I’m just looking forward to having a top year.”