Christiansen: NHLers are a no-go

With the NHL lockout well and truly under way we are witness a mass migration of players who are accustomed to icing at the pivotal spot on Earth for their talents that of the NHL.

Well for one reason or other, not fully understood by this writer, that debate by the Players Association seems to have fallen apart.

Speaking with Doug Christiansen, Head Coach of the Stena Line Belfast Giants about the situation, he had this to say…

I can’t see many players ending up here in the Elite League for the following reasons. The first being the lockout will have to end by Christmas because of the NHL’s commitment to the Media, TV and Radio alike. 

The second is the seasoned pros will have enough funds stashed away or invested to ride out the down time. Some will join their clubs development team in the AHL and the players they disposes will drop to the East, West, or Central leagues the next level down. 

The younger players who may want to keep sharp will be looking to continue playing hockey somewhere short term. 

The Players Injury Insurance is the next factor as these individuals have large insurance contracts to be paid against the player collecting and injury whilst playing. 

Their NHL clubs pick up that fee which could amount to $70,000. So unless the player involved picks up his own insurance fees that kind of money isn’t available in the Elite League. 

The next question is what benefit do you gain from taking on a short-term contract player for say ten to twelve weeks and more importantly which import do you drop. How does that affect the chemistry of the team, which you are trying to build for the season? 

Yes, there is a flood of transfer to that of the AHL and ECHL league with some NHL players wanting to see Europe and take this opportunity to go to Russia and the KHL, or Germany and Austria. Movement to Switzerland and Italy has also been spotted on the Elite Prospect website. 

Unless I had a spot available through injury or another case scenario and the proposed NHLer wanted to pay his own insurance bill, its not going to happen here. 

I’m happy with the squad we got and how they are gelling together but never say never.