WWE SmackDown: “The Great American Bash” Preview – 3rd July 2012

Independce Day is soon to be upon us, and that means the WWE have decided to roll out “The Great American Bash” in a sense.

Be sure to see ticker-tape aplenty along with the stars and stripes dotted everywhere on this live Tuesday night SmackDown.

This SmackDown, “run” by Teddy Long, should determine the final qualifiers for the Money In The Bank. Hopefully, a few high fliers will be added to the line-up. Kofi doesn’t look like he will be a part of the Raw match, so here’s hoping he can play a part in this one, as well as Sin Cara perhaps, but his squish last night on Raw to Del Rio may prove a problem – or will it?

Cody Rhodes is looking for a way into the ladder match, as he is wanting to protest against the fact his qualifier was the only one not to be a single contest. Unfair opportunity? Who know, but we will certainly find out this evening.

Although I am posting a conjoined Raw-SmackDown review – one thing I will mention in this preview is the 20-man Over The Top match featuring both Superstars from Raw and SmackDown. Not sure what is the pride in winning this, or what is on offer for the winner; is this Teddy Long’s final roll of the dice?

Without wanting to sound racist – don’t expect this battle royal to finish with a winner that originates from outside the United States of America. It’s not being billed as “The Great American Bash” for nothing.

Teddy still has his revenge to deal out to Aksana and her new man Antonio Cesaro. Pointless in the wider scheme of things, but if it rounds this storyline off then all the more better for the greater good.

Tonight’s Super-Duper Great American Bash SmackDown With Pin The Tail On The Donkey And Piñata Topped Off With Jelly And Ice Cream will definitely be the best SmackDown of the year. They always are when live, but it should, without doubt, lead us into a great fortnight before Money In The Bank.