Sometimes the easy option is the right choice

I was a Gavin Love sceptic when he was handed the Head Coaching job back in 2010, and I wasn’t alone, many had their doubts about Love, simply because he was unproven, with no substantial coaching experience at the professional level.

For a quarter century, Stronach was the clubs identity, and there was a lot of uncertainty over what direction the club would go at the end of his reign. There was extensive media coverage over who would take over, it was hyped up to the max as fans heard reports of applicants applying from across the globe to fill the position, including big name domestic coaches. So when the announcement came of Love’s appointment as Plymouth Raiders Head Coach, fans understandably felt a little cheated by both the media and the directors. I saw the news as inevitable, and I chose not to read too much into reports of the vast applicants and tough decisions made by the directors.

As soon as Gavin put himself forward for the job, it was his. And why not? He knows the club better than anyone, but ultimately as a young rookie head coach, who is eager to impress, he’d fall into line with what’s expected of him by the powers above – I told you I was a sceptic.

A year and a half later, and I have nothing but praise for Love, and how he has revitalized Plymouth basketball. His knowledge and understanding of the game was never in doubt, he proved he had these qualities in abundance as a player. The concern lied in Love’s maturity and whether or not he was ready, especially considering he was going at this alone, with no assistant to guide him.

In less than two years in charge, the shrewd coach has made more cuts and roster changes than I’ve ever witnessed in British basketball in such a short period of time. It’s this high degree of shrewdness that Love’s early success can largely be attributed to, The cut-throat young coach possesses a strong belief in his system and vision for his team. There has been no hesitation in getting rid of the pieces that don’t fit in exchange for something that might, and up to now his gambles have paid off, this might be the most complete roster Raiders have ever assembled, and certainly its the most championship ready.

The team is moulded in Love’s image, they are both gutsy and competitive, a team packed full of intelligent and intuitive players, who don’t necessarily need constant instruction and supervision, they have certainly made Love’s coaching a little easier.

Love has enjoyed multiple championship success as a player, and in just over a weeks time the young coach will attempt to claim his first piece of silverware in his new role calling the shots from behind the bench, I’m sure this will be one of many championship games under Love’s reign – it’s definitely exciting times for professional basketball in the city of Plymouth.

Gavin Love was awarded the BBL coach of the month for December – read more here.

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